
1908, 2024

Mark Hannon, from his perch on Sonoma Mountain

By |August 19, 2024|

The ruins of the Wolf House in Jack London Park are a special place for me. I have been a Jack London fan since reading The Call of the Wild in high school. Jack London was a pioneer in the preservation of Sonoma Mountain

606, 2024

Meet Anais Morris, one of our newest board members.

By |June 6, 2024|

This is part of a series of interviews we are conducting with the Sonoma Mountain Preservation (SMP) board members. Anais uses her background in sustainable development policy and ethnomusicology to build bridges and increase capacity in communities and ecosystems.

505, 2024

Court Rejects the environmental study for the Sonoma Developmental Center land

By |May 5, 2024|

We won! In January 2023, SMP joined a coalition of community groups in a legal challenge against the County of Sonoma, which had just approved a massive redevelopment plan for the 180-acre campus of the Sonoma Developmental Center — a plan that threatened the viability of the Sonoma Valley Wildlife Corridor, the integrity of the open space surrounding the campus, and the safety of people living in the wildland-urban interface at the foot of Sonoma Mountain.

811, 2023

The Night the County Supervisors Met to Sell the Mountain

By |November 8, 2023|

Nursing a bruised heart not far from here, I raised my daughter alone. I rose at dawn to work long days in the woods, gauged the mountain’s creeks and springs, stood knee-deep with staff and stopwatch in chilly flow. Owls called, resting in shadows. Muddy deer trails bore lion prints the size of tea-plates, mixed with hieroglyphic scrawls of turkey and heron.

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